James Barry: female pioneer Women’s History Month by Unseen “So tell me”, my first history professor liked to start, after hearing my latest essay, “what have you left out, and how have you filled the gaps?”
Menopause: A radical perspective by Unseen As a 47-year-old woman, it’s not surprising that I’m heartened by the increasing visibility and normalisation of menopause – whether I like it or not, that train is pulling into the station some
What gender critical means to me by Unseen After another week of having to explain again to managers and HR staff what gender critical beliefs are and are not, I thought it would be helpful to put together this primer in
Violence against women and girls - language matters by Unseen Language matters when we talk about violence against women and girls. In the last 15 years we have seen the word woman not being used, replaced with the word people or non-man, or
Let’s Talk About Pronouns.. by Seen On the afternoon of Monday, 9th October we approached everyone on our mailing list to ask them what they thought about practices related to the statement of pronouns in email signatures and elsewhere.
Manifestation, misunderstanding and ‘misgendering’ by Seen A frequent area of discussion and dispute around gender critical views is whether and how much they can be expressed (or ‘manifested’ to use the legal term) in the workplace.
Why SEEN is important to me (vii) What about my identity? by Unseen Bring your whole self to work is what my employer tells me. Unless of course you happen to believe like I do that sex is binary and fixed from conception. In that case
Why SEEN is important to me (iii) by Louise [This post is the third of four speeches by SEEN members from our launch event in October.]