Violence against women and girls - language matters by Unseen Language matters when we talk about violence against women and girls. In the last 15 years we have seen the word woman not being used, replaced with the word people or non-man, or
Violence against women - A personal account by Unseen I am not a victim, but I have been hurt by men. I won’t recount every time as the pain and fear crouches within me ready to pounce at any given opportunity. I
Violence against women. The judicial system is trying – is it succeeding? by Benjamyn I have been a magistrate for over thirty years and prior to that was a special constable. During those decades views on domestic violence, specifically violence against women have changed considerably – but
Violence Against Women & Girls – 16 days of activism by Unseen November 25 is the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (IDEVAW).Between then and International Human Rights Day on 10 December, the UN is calling for 16 days of activism
Ending violence against women and girls by Seen For this year’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women SEEN is publishing articles today and over the next few days by four of our general members (outside our network leadership
Zero tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation by Seen 6th February is the UN’s International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation.
Ending violence against women No equality without freedom. No freedom without freedom from fear of male violence by Unseen We like to think that in the UK we have equality between the sexes now. On the statute book, we mostly do. But can we ever be equal while women and girls live